
Sit down. relax. have a cup of coffee and enjoy!

Aug 15, 2011

Kid’s Rooms–It Brings me Back!!

Gosh my kids are all grown up, but I never get tired of doing kids' rooms.  It's a place where fantasy takes over and being serious is just not impo...

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Aug 08, 2011

Industrial Ranch Part 2!!

Sorry about the posts that keep getting sent to you each day!!  Technology!!  I hope you enjoyed seeing the transformation last week of this wonderf...

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Aug 01, 2011

Industrial Ranch

When I'm asked to think of moments in which beautiful design magically comes together overnight, I will now always draw to mind how MAI Consigned owne...

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Jul 25, 2011

Part Two–It’s Move-in time!!!

Remember the home we looked at a couple of blogs ago where Builder Rona Milbauer, owner of Elron Construction, and Designer Julie Dodson were moving f...

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Jul 13, 2011

Adding Country French, Giving Traditional a New Warmth!!

I loved seeing how finishes and fabrics transformed this home! While remaining very traditional with architecture and furnishings, the homeowners want...

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Jul 04, 2011

New York Design Meets Houston

I own Celerie Kemble's first book  Celerie Kemble To Your Taste and was so excited to be called in on a project that this talented New York designer ...

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Jun 20, 2011

Jill Brown–An Inspiration!!

I’m fortunate in my line of work to run into so many wonderful women at different stages in their lives, some just out of school looking for their n...

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Jun 06, 2011

Couch, Fabric and Pillow Shopping!!!

Suddenly, after 24 years of marriage, my husband John decided that he wants to be involved in every design decision!! This unexpected change of heart ...

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