A SegretoChalks DIY Christmas Project and Give-A-Way!

Dec 05, 2022

Hi friends!! I hope your week is off to a great start and you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I love the holidays and getting together with family. All my kids and their significant others came over on Friday so that we could all be together! Loving to craft, I usually do a few fun holiday projects with the gang, which left me wanting to experiment more with our SegretoChalks line! I hope you enjoy my SegretoChalks DIY Christmas Project as much as I did as I have included a fun holiday give-a-way at the end!!

Last year, my office staff and I painted these cute wooden Christmas Trees in all of our Segreto green tones.

J.C. Penny

Although I have seen wooden trees for up to $125 each, I found these at JC Penny from North Pole Trading Co. for under $10 a piece!! Coming in sizes ranging from 7.5 inches to 10 inches, they are perfect for holiday crafting!! The larger trees in first picture were from Hobby Lobby!! What I love about crafting with Segreto Chalks is there is no prep work!! Typically, you would need to sand and prime wood before you paint. With Chalks, you can do it in one step!

Vietri Outlet

This year I wanted to experiment with more washy finishes and found these Vietri Alberini Trees at the Vietri Outlet. Currently they just have the green trees left but you can purchase the neutral tones in all sizes from Distinctive Decor right now!

SegretoChalks Christmas Trees

I was so happy with the way the wood took the SegretoChalks! I just dipped my brush in water and then painted on the base in a washy fashion! If it gets too thick just use a damp paper towel to remove until you have the effect, you want. It is super easy to layer more paint atop for heavier coverage. On the bottom rim of the tree, I took a smaller brush also dipped in water before I applied the paint to the brush and ran it along the hemp cord. It absorbed beautifully into the natural material.

SegretoChalks Christmas Trees

Loving the outcome, I wanted to try different color tones. Florene, Alluring Rose, and Granduca all worked great. I love the natural worn look they created with little effort!!

SegretoChalks Christmas Project

Whether I followed the rows of the cord or applied the paint up and down, I was really happy with the effect. Tips I would say is don’t load too much paint on your brush. It is easier to layer than take away!

Segreto Art
Art-Segreto Finishes

Being inspired by how SegretoChalks could be blended, applied heavily or thinned down for different effects, I wanted to use them to create a commission art piece I was making for a friend. Although this is a mixed media piece, I really loved the effects of what the chalks added. They also clean up well and go such a long way!!

SegretoChalks Christmas Project
SegretoChalks Craft Project-Vietri

What do you think about my Christmas Tree line up? This is what I loved about using SegretoChalks!

There is no prep work!

They can be used to paint any surface! You can go over raw wood, stain, lacquer, shellac, wax or polyurethane!

You don’t need a lot of expertise with painting!

You can mix chalk paints so easily and layer if you are wanting to get extra creative!

A little goes a long way!

Easy clean up!

SegretoChalks Christmas Project

Because SegretoChalks is composed of minerals, it will hold up in different climates better than typical paints.

They can be sealed with wax or an acrylic polyurethane for extra protection!

SegretoChalks Christmas Trees

If you are a craft lover like I am, I wanted to let you know that SegretoChalks are available in most of our 135 signature colors from the Segreto Palette. They can be used on furniture pieces, walls or crafting.

No time to craft? If you like to pick up some already done pieces, my staff jumped on the craft Christmas Tree train and created some super cute ones for purchase.

Reasonably priced at Small $19—–Medium $29—-Large $34

SegretoChalks Plaster Flowers

Small art pieces hung as a series is so impactful! These one-of-a-kind sculptured florals were created by our artisans in mini 4″ by 4″ size. Priced at $79 each, they would be perfect to put on books on shelves, hang as a collection or create ornaments for that special someone’s tree!! Come by the showroom at 2211 Wirtcrest Lane, call 713-461-5210 or email for any information.

A SegretoChalks DIY Christmas Project

Now for the giveaway! We will choose 5 winners next Friday to ship out a customized hand-painted tree. All you have to do before December 9th is sign up for the blog if you haven’t or follow us on Instagram and tag a friend!!

To Win a Christmas Tree

Sign up for the blog!

Or, if you are already a subscriber

Follow us on Instagram @segretofinishes and tag a friend in the comments section! You will get one entry for each person tagged!

Thank you all for following along my fun DIY project with Segreto Chalks! If you all create crafts or refinish any furniture with SegretoChalk Paint, be sure to share on Instagram and add #shareyoursegreto! We love to see the creative projects our clients and customers do. I hope you have an amazing week and I look forward to seeing any projects you all create! Until next time, xoxo Leslie

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