Join Me in Santa Fe for ArtFusion!

Apr 29, 2019

Hi Friends!! I had so much fun in Santa Fe at the ArtFusion Event that I wanted to bring you along!! My Dad lives in Santa Fe as well and since I was able to take my daughter Kirby with me to promote the book, it was also a family affair!!! I really enjoyed all the down to earth, amazing people I met who are so passionate about their craft!!

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I was greeted by a smiling bunch.  The Rep from Golden paints was showing us how to take a good pic! Not sure we got it down. Ruth was one of the teachers for the event and Fluffy was geared up and ready to learn.

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We were fortunate enough to be able to sit in on these two’s AMAZING CLASS!! Both artists are from England and I would have to say they were absolutely masters in their craft! Andy, owner of Stucco & Stucco in West Yorkshire is also an ambassador for Novacolor, an Italian plaster manufacturer. Martin owns Marmo Designs based in the Midlands. They both have worked on prestigious projects across the globe, are so gracious and are both really excellent teachers. Pull up their websites and follow them on Instagram!!

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I was mesmerized with this product. With its ability to mix with plaster, the end effect reads like metal. Maybe because it is infused with actual powder made from the real thing.

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Love these samples that were made in the class.  They look and feel like inlaid brass!! Imagine the possibilities!

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Martin, who called me Mum-so cute- is teaching Kirby the technique. After it dries, you sand it first with grittier sand paper then with finer and finer versions until it is polished and shines as metal does.

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Is it effective? Look at this beautiful installation of Martin’s at the Opheem Restaurant with the product creating a textured brass accent wall at the bar and their logo to the right.

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I also loved their techniques of layering plasters to create a pattern and worn effect.

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And combining oxidizing materials to transform a piece into aged oxidized metal.

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Look at some of Andy’s impressive work with this technique!!  LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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EVERYONE loved the class.  There were people from all over the country attending-such incredible talent there and stories told just in one room!! Best part for me was not just learning, but connecting and sharing with so many others in my field!  I was so inspired. Thanks guys and gals!

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Not only did I enjoy a glass of wine with Juliette Belmonte, but also got to see a bit of her class. A true talent, this amazing lady was born in Costa Rica to a French mother and Argentinian father and now lives in California. She has studied at the Art Student’s League of New York, the Art Institute of Chicago and the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale. She has shown her work extensively throughout North and South America and has collectors and admirers world wide!

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I am now definitely one of those admirers. Here is one of her beautiful pieces!! The people who took her class definitely were inspired. Pull up her website to see her beautiful works and see where her next teaching adventure takes her!!

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Ruth Giovannetti lives in Lubbock Texas and now runs her company Gio Studios with her son Jeremy-I love that!!  Although she does all types of decorative techniques, at this workshop, she was teaching a class on antiquing mirrors. She has installed projects that span as far as China and she is as warm and inviting as her pretty smile!

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Look at the beautiful outcome these talented artists had at their very first class!!

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Here is a bit of Ruth’s antique mirror work–Stunning and so natural feeling! Another great talent!

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A whirl wind trip, we feel very lucky we were able to hear Olivier Garnier, owner of Color Atelier Paint & Plaster speak. Based out of San Francisco, Olivier started his career at an early age in France and comes from a family with many generations of artisans who produce and install decorative finishes in Europe.

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Olivier, a former paint chemist, developed and formulated lime-based paint and plaster finishes for many European and American brands. He started Color Atelier Paint with his wife, Burju Garnier to offer a comprehensive line of  paints and products that are natural and artisanal with superior quality. Having worked with lime paints before, I must say I was super impressed with his products and his knowledge!

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His cute super smart wife, Burju is to his right. We will certainly be using this dynamic duo’s products!!  Stay tuned!! The blonde next to Burju, Sandra Gonzalez owns Design 7 Seven, a family owned and operated business out of Fort Worth, TX. They developed an amazing water-based glaze free of odor with a long drying time. If you are in the decorative arts field you much give them a try!! Such fun to see so many cutting edge products!!

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Well I said it was a family affair and my handsome Dad joined us at the event!  He seems to be happy with all these lovely ladies! Think he will come back next year?!  Kathy Boyd,(far left) the master mind behind the event, is what I call an energizer bunny. She is not only a finisher but also has her own stencil designs, leads finishing retreats in both Europe and in the states, has established a communication platform between finishers and hosts Art Fusion, which has been a huge draw for finishers and creatives alike!!  There were so many options for classes, I did not have time to visit the all of the other amazing talents. I was both honored and humbled to be able to speak at such an event, and blessed to have made so many new friends!!

Other exciting news!! 

Lucas-Eilers/ Journal-a fav blog of mine, featured Segreto in their blog on woman run businesses.  There are so many inspirational people included. Step on over and be inspired!!  Here are a few tips I shared which have helped me on my Journey!

“With gratitude to my parents, I was taught some valuable lessons that paved the way for my becoming an entrepreneur.” – says Leslie Sinclair – “Many of these life lessons have helped me tremendously in navigating my career. Here are a few I’d like to share:
  • If you can visualize something – dream it – you have the ability to make it happen.
  • Don’t be afraid to fail. Without failure there is no success.
  • Do the very best at whatever you set out to do and opportunities will present themselves. You just have to notice them.
  • Never work for money as your main goal. Do what you love. The rewards are higher.
  • Learn something new every day. Learn especially from your mistakes.
  • You are never too old to create! Keep your mind always open to new possibilities.”

And……  Kristy Harvey and her cute Mom Beth, who co-author Design Chic, awarded Best Luxury Design Blog, will be coming to Houston for a visit. You are invited!!

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Kristy is also a southern fiction writer. I have written many book reviews on her books-why?… because they are honestly some of my favorite reads. I laugh, cry, am heart-warmed and inspired. They are all about relationships. Ones between families- mother and daughters and sisters and sisters. Let’s show these Carolina gals a warm Houston Reception!! Kristy Harvey -Segreto Event

I look forward to catching up!!  xo Leslie

  • Kendall Boggs
    Posted at 06:25h, 29 April Reply

    What a crazy small world! Kristy and Beth are friends of mine!!! We should try to do a joint book signing (in my booth) at The Arbors in the fall! Dang I wish I could be in Houston for all of this!!!

  • michele@hellolovelystudio
    Posted at 22:57h, 05 May Reply

    I’m inspired and my creative juices are flowing as I consider aging mirrors, layering plasters, and Juliette’s lovely work! Wow! Thanks for taking us, friend. There is something special for you awaiting here:

    Peace to you right where you are.


    • Leslie Sinclair
      Posted at 04:43h, 06 May Reply

      You wold love it!!!! And all the lovely people I met!

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