The Gift Of Gratitude-Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi Friends! I hope you are able to enjoy getting ready for that special day we share with others. I love Thanksgiving but I must admit, sometimes with all the preparation of the big day- cooking, setting the table, devising kids’ activities or traveling to be with others-there is a lot to coordinate!!
Take a pause, a long breath and truly enjoy the moments of preparation!! Feel your blessings and share them with the people in your lives! I found some inspirational quotes which have made my day, I hope they will do the same for you, who are my friends and loyal followers! You have given me so much support and love over the years, and for that, thank you! I am truly grateful for each of you!
Even though I was in a very thankful place when I read all the quotes, I recognized even more of the good stuff looking at this form. It might be a fun activity for you and your family on Thanksgiving day! And an easy way for all to share!!
I wish you all a wonderful day with family and friends! If you don’t have people in town this holiday reach out and serve others! It may end up being the best Thanksgiving ever! May bountiful blessings and a grateful heart be with all of you!
Celebrate the season with us at one of our upcoming events this December! Come pick up your signed/personalized copy of Segreto Impressions and enjoy some holiday shopping! Til next week! xo Leslie
Sandra Smith
Posted at 06:48h, 25 NovemberThank you Leslie, Lovely quotes that touched my heart and reminded me to be thankful. Amazing what joy we have when we do.
Happy Thanksgiving
XO. Sandra.
Leslie Sinclair
Posted at 04:48h, 27 NovemberHi Sandy! You must be having a hard time taking a breath with the move!! Enjoy the day and Happy Thanksgiving!! xo
Amy Cunningham
Posted at 09:55h, 25 NovemberThank you Leslie for these beautiful reminders to give thanks for our many blessings! I feel so blessed to know you and I’m so grateful for all your support and encouragement! Have a wonderful holiday season!
Luisa Patterson
Posted at 09:57h, 25 NovemberAmiga 🙂 you always give me the gift of a big smile to my heart and face when I read your post. You truly are an inspiration and a true friend. God bless you and your beautiful family. Happy thanks giving !💐💐💐
Leslie Sinclair
Posted at 04:46h, 27 NovemberHi Luisa! You are always so SWEET. Happy Thanksgiving to you sweet friend from afar! XO
Riva Grant
Posted at 10:53h, 25 NovemberThank YOU for this beautiful post, which I’m going to save to read many times as a lovely reminder. Thanksgiving blessings to you and your family.