Halloween 2020

Oct 12, 2020

HI Friends! Thank you so much for all of your amazing input for the Segreto new Pallet deck! We will let you know the decision next post and the winners!! I can’t believe it is already fall and Halloween 2020 is right around the corner. Although it will be different this year we can still celebrate just on a smaller scale. Setting the table and hosting my kids has always been one of the many highlights of my year. I hope this post will bring a little inspiration and Halloween fun to you all! Each year I add a bit to my table and little by little make it more festive. Full of a craft activity, special décor and delish food, my kids have begun to look forward to these family nights as much as their Mom and Dad!

2017 TablescapePin this!

We started hosting this event in 2017 and it has become a “Halloween Tradition” that all look forward to! Click here to go down memory lane with me!

2018 TablescapePin this!

In 2018, pumpkins and spiders took over the theme. Come dine with us here and get some crafty ideas for your spooky night!

2019 TablescapePin this!

I share our Halloween dinner party the year after the event so lets unveil 2019. Wanting an upscale black white and green themed table, a lace spiderweb overlay table cloth from Amazon was my table inspiration. For my 60 inch table I purchased a 70 inch round ($13.99) topper and layered on a white to the floor 120 inch cloth ($16.99).

Halloween place settingPin this!

Working out dishware was fun and easy. I had the place settings, napkins and boxwood napkin rings. The white pumpkins from my thanksgiving stash tied in the pumpkin Tureen purchased from Martha Stewart’s collection at Macy’s years ago. I set it on top of an acrylic riser for height and placed a silver candelabra my aunt had given me inside. When Segreto had a retail store in our space these risers were used for display. They have been such an amazing, inexpensive dinner party staple! There are lots of venders you can find by searching the web.

Halloween CenterpiecePin this!

I filled the pumpkin centerpiece with florals from Trader Joes then clipped spiders from Michaels to the boxwood napkin rings originally purchased from Pier 1.

Up close of halloween dishwarePin this!

Tip: Michaels typically has an 80% off sale the week of Halloween. It is perfect for adding those last minute touches. I bought these cute love potion bottles for the girls and …

Candy Coffin Pin this!

…light up coffins filled with candy for the boys!

Halloween tablescapePin this!

I used skeleton LED lights, black masks, succulents and embellished skulls sprinkled around the centerpiece to add the finishing touch to my dinner table. Then I was ready to prepare the crafts table!

Halloween CraftPin this!

I loved these Day Of The Dead and pumpkin ceramics I found at Michaels- painting these would be an easy activity for all. I first covered the table with a plastic black cloth then used my acrylic risers to alter heights and fun plastic chargers to hold each persons craft.

Craft suppliesPin this!

Tip: Group like materials in containers to keep your crafting organized and cute. For an event like this do not buy expensive brushes, large packs which you don’t feel bad about throwing away if your guest don’t clean them well are best.

And the Painting Began!

Family painting the halloween craftPin this!
Halloween CraftPin this!

Everyone did such a great job!! They wanted to display their great works of art before they would go to dinner.

Finished Halloween CraftPin this!
Halloween CraftPin this!
Halloween CraftPin this!

Now for Dinner! This year daughter Kirby did most of the cooking. I just added the bread, black squid ink pasta and green beans. It was fall in color and delish!

Trader Joe's FindPin this!
Halloween mealPin this!
Halloween mealPin this!
Halloween MealPin this!
Halloween MealPin this!
Halloween TablePin this!

I used to think Day of the Dead was a creepy holiday and honestly I felt the skeletons were scary. After watching Disney’s Coco, I found it was a warming wonderful tradition.

Up close of the centerpiecePin this!

By keeping our loved ones who have passed in our hearts and memory, we keep them alive in our families by sharing their lives with the next generation. On that one special day, they come down to celebrate with their families. I know on my office computer I have pictures of my parents, grandparents and in-laws who have passed and say good morning to each of them every day.

Halloween TablePin this!

I was curious on the origin and meaning of Halloween. How Stuff Works states ” The name is actually a shortened version of “All Hallows’ Even,” the eve of All Hallows’ Day. “Hallow” is an Old English word for “holy person,” and All Hallows’ Day is simply another name for All Saints’ Day, the day Catholics commemorate all the saints. At some point, people began referring to All Hallows’ Even as “Hallowe’en” and then simply “Halloween.””

Halloween TablePin this!

Thank you for joining us on our festive tradition! I am looking forward to Halloween 2020! If you want to weigh in on choosing our new pallet deck cover go here and enter to win! Take pause this week and reach out to someone who is special to you or someone who has made a difference in your life. A short text, a quick note, or simply a warm thank you will do so much to make us all feel valued and connected. Till next week! XO Leslie

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